Wednesday, June 8, 2011

South Course Closure

June 6, marked the first day of our first South Course closure for summer cultural practices.  Our first item of business was to verticut the south greens very aggressively.  We verticut the greens to a depth of 1/16" and proceeded to verticut up and back on the same pass in four different directions.  This process removed a substantial amount of thatch as well as older leaf tissue.  We then mowed the greens in a circular pattern to remove more leaf tissue.  Later that afternoon a heavy topdressing of sand was preformed in preparation for aerification the following day.

On Tuesday, June 7, the South greens were aerified with 5/8" diameter tines on 2" x 2" spacing.  This will ensure adequate removal of thatch for our first South course closure.  This process also improves water infiltration, improves gas exchange for the plant and a reduces compaction.   The plugs from the aerification were then drug in and then the remaining thatch was blown off the putting surface.

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