Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Driving Range Regrassing

Following the herbicide treatment to the upper practice tee on the east side of the practice range, Briggs Golf Course Construction arrived Tuesday to strip the existing turf from the practice tee.  Over the next two days, they will continue to remove the turf and haul it away.
Following the removal of the turf, the surface will be roto-tilled and rough graded.  A soil fumigant will be applied and watered through the profile through the weekend to ensure proper eradication of the existing turf.   Weather permitting, the tee will be finish graded and laser leveled early next week.  Once the tee is leveled, large rolls of Celebration sod will be laid on the new practice tee surface.

Celebration bermuda grass offers excellent color and playability.  Celebration’s aggressive growth rate allows for quicker recovery and healing from divots and provides better wear tolerance than traditional bermuda grasses. 

Because of Celebration’s aggressive growth rate, cultural practices and mowing will begin approximately one week following installation.  Providing cooperation from the weather, the tee should be open for use by the beginning of August.

Saturated Conditions

After suffering through a second straight year of drought conditions in South Florida, the rainy season has arrived early and in full force.  Since the first of May we have received an excess of 30 inches of rain.  In May alone we accumulated more than 20 inches of rain at the Fountains CC.  Now with the arrival of hurricane season we are seeing no reprieve from the wet weather.  Coupled with the effects of Tropical Storm Debbie, 8 inches of rain was recorded last week. 

#7 South Fairway
The excessive amounts of rainfall have caused the already shallow water table to continue to rise.  Water levels in the lakes are currently about a foot over their banks and have even caused some cart paths to become submerged and impassable.  The benefit is all of the lakes on the property are now full, however the ground has become so saturated there is no where for the extreme amounts of standing water to go.  At this point we are dumping water off property to assist in drainage, yet there are areas of the courses that drain slower and will remain wet for extended periods of time due to the waterlogged conditions.

Please understand we are doing everything at this time to ensure that the golf courses remain playable, but with abnormally heavy rains it has become difficult.  It seems every time we dry out we get more rain.  Be careful what you wish for. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Future of Golf

Thank you to the Fountains CC for donating a tee sign, as well as a foursome of golf for the 32nd Annual Palm Beach Golf Course Superintendent's Association Future of Golf Tournament at The Falls CC! Proceeds go to turfgrass research, student scholarships, and junior golf.

South Course Summer Closure

Today was the South Course was closed for summer cultural practices.  As previous with the North Course; the greens will be verticut in eight directions to a depth of 1/16", mowed, aerified with 1/2" hollow tines on a 2"x2" spacing, swept clean, topdressed, and brushed.  The tees, collars and approaches will receive the same treatment a week later.  The fairways are being aerified with 3/4" hollow tines on 3"x3" spacing with our new John Deere Aerocore 2000 and John Deere 5550 tractor. During this time the rough is also being aerified with or pull behind spoon aerifier.  Aerification is necessary to reduces compaction caused by equipment, golf cart, and foot traffic.  It also improves overall water infiltration and gas exchange.  The South Course will be closed from June 5 - July 1.  At that time we will continue the same practices on the West Course.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Recent Greening May Be Short-lived



By Todd Lowe, senior agronomist, Florida Region
March 14, 2012

Cottony mycelium from Pythium was recently seen on South Florida putting greens.

Recent visits have seen a vibrant shade of green on many golf courses. Mild temperatures experienced this past winter have kept soil temperatures higher and turf has remained actively growing in South Florida. Temperature patterns continue to trend upwards and as a result the turf is resuming active growth from Orlando south. Semi-dormant roughs that were tan to dull green from lower soil temperatures are now green, especially on courses that have recently applied fertilizers.
Plant pathogens and disease occurrences have been discussed on recent visits. Moderate temperatures coupled with high relative humidity have encouraged diseases. Leaf spot disease continues to plague golf courses, as well as several recent Pythium outbreaks. Diligent scouting is necessary for effective disease management so that fungicides can be applied in a timely manner. The dry season in our region generally occurs from March thru May, and this should help reduce disease activity throughout our region.
While the dry season will improve disease management, it also will increase localized dry spots and cause some discoloration on tees, fairways and roughs. This temporary loss of color has no long-term effects on turf health and can be improved through increased irrigation or hand watering. Preventative wetting agent treatments are recommended over the next several months to reduce localized dry spots and improve turf quality. Prolonged dry conditions may cause water management districts to impose water restrictions. Hopefully, this will be kept to a minimum this year, so that long-term turf deterioration from drought stress does not occur.
Mole cricket tunneling has been observed on several golf courses, but these are overwintered adults that are beginning to forage. Large-scale insecticide programs are applied in late spring/early summer to catch the mole cricket egg hatch and provide season-long control. Overwintered adults can be managed with less expensive “chase and spray” programs. Some superintendents even apply low concentrations of dishwashing liquid (1 teaspoon of dishwashing soap per gallon of water) to flush and kill isolated groups of overwintered adult mole crickets.
The Florida Region USGA Green Section will be hosting three Course Official meetings next month in Naples, Palm Beach and Tampa. We hope you can attend one of these informative workshops to learn about some of the common issues faced throughout the year. Topics will include putting green maintenance programs, trees, bunkers, recent changes in the Rules of Golf as well as a Question and Answer session for attendees to discuss any golf course related topic. Registration information will be emailed at the end of the week. For more information, call Shelly Foy, 772-546-2620. 
Source:  Todd Lowe, tlowe@usga.org or 941-828-2625 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

...interiors are extra!

Not only does the Golf Course Maintenance staff try to give our members and their guests the best possible golf course conditions on a daily basis, we also try to give a little extra when it comes to our Member/Guest events at the Fountains Country Club.  In conjunction with the fanatastic presentation of food and flair offered in the clubhouse during yesterday's event, each paricipant's car was washed while they were out on the course.  We hope these added touches leave our members and their guests with lasting memories of their great day at the Fountains.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An Abnormally Dry Winter

Although a significant rain event occurred in early February 2012, the positive effects of the much needed rain has diminished and again left us in the beginning stages of drought.  With temperatures for February higher than normal and constant tropical winds, the golf courses are drying out at a faster than normal rate.  The irrigation systems struggle to maintain adequate soil moisture conducive to growing quality turf grass suitable for golf.   Since November 1, 2011 only 5.56 inches of recorded rain has fallen across the area.  That is well below the 13.81 inches normally received.

 For example, the Fountains Country Club is currently permitted to use 25.2 million gallons of water for irrigation purposes on the golf courses for February 2012.  If the normal 2.55 inches of rainfall for the month of February occurs the permitted amount is generally adequate for irrigation.  Evan though, to this point in February, we have received 0.4 inches of rainfall more than normal, we began the year in a huge deficit and have been unable to gain any ground.  In addition all of the February rainfall occurred over the course of a few days early in the month.  As a result of these shortages, many localized dry areas have become visible on the golf courses, especially on the North and “Old West 9.”  These dry spots occur where irrigation coverage is inadequate and where soils are extremely sandy and have limited water retention.  To combat these dry spots, additional water and wetting agents are applied in efforts to combat turf decline.

To this point, the effects of the limited rainfall are only evident on the courses with the older irrigation system. However if these dry conditions continue, a repeat of the drought of 2011 could be inevitable and some turf loss may occur.

Shannon Wheeler
Director of Greens and Grounds
Fountains Country Club