Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Saturated Conditions

After suffering through a second straight year of drought conditions in South Florida, the rainy season has arrived early and in full force.  Since the first of May we have received an excess of 30 inches of rain.  In May alone we accumulated more than 20 inches of rain at the Fountains CC.  Now with the arrival of hurricane season we are seeing no reprieve from the wet weather.  Coupled with the effects of Tropical Storm Debbie, 8 inches of rain was recorded last week. 

#7 South Fairway
The excessive amounts of rainfall have caused the already shallow water table to continue to rise.  Water levels in the lakes are currently about a foot over their banks and have even caused some cart paths to become submerged and impassable.  The benefit is all of the lakes on the property are now full, however the ground has become so saturated there is no where for the extreme amounts of standing water to go.  At this point we are dumping water off property to assist in drainage, yet there are areas of the courses that drain slower and will remain wet for extended periods of time due to the waterlogged conditions.

Please understand we are doing everything at this time to ensure that the golf courses remain playable, but with abnormally heavy rains it has become difficult.  It seems every time we dry out we get more rain.  Be careful what you wish for. 

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