Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Driving Range Regrassing

Following the herbicide treatment to the upper practice tee on the east side of the practice range, Briggs Golf Course Construction arrived Tuesday to strip the existing turf from the practice tee.  Over the next two days, they will continue to remove the turf and haul it away.
Following the removal of the turf, the surface will be roto-tilled and rough graded.  A soil fumigant will be applied and watered through the profile through the weekend to ensure proper eradication of the existing turf.   Weather permitting, the tee will be finish graded and laser leveled early next week.  Once the tee is leveled, large rolls of Celebration sod will be laid on the new practice tee surface.

Celebration bermuda grass offers excellent color and playability.  Celebration’s aggressive growth rate allows for quicker recovery and healing from divots and provides better wear tolerance than traditional bermuda grasses. 

Because of Celebration’s aggressive growth rate, cultural practices and mowing will begin approximately one week following installation.  Providing cooperation from the weather, the tee should be open for use by the beginning of August.

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